Saturday 30 November 2013

Racism and truth

One of the greatest victories of anti-racism was the removal of racist attitudes in the Social Sciences.  Most Social Science faculties are now anti-racist and internationalist socialist.

It was the racist works of Jensen in the USA and Eysenck in the UK in the 1970s that precipitated the change.  These authors claimed that their IQ tests showed differences between the races.  They presented the famous "Bell Curve" as a justification of difference.  Social Scientists joined together in condemning this racism.  The supporters of these measurements claimed the defence of "truth" but there is only ideological truth.  The racists were purged from Social Science faculties across the world.

Having shown the racist nature of IQ Tests and other so-called "objective" tests it is now possible to dismiss those who use these reactionary techniques as evil and right wing.

Anti-racism created Social Science faculties that are relatively free from reactionaries.  They now recruit staff who have the correct view of social science.  This has had the the effect of creating teachers who are fully onboard the internationalist, ant-racist agenda and who have produced a generation of children who will change the world.

"Give me the child for seven years,
and I will give you the man."

Victory is indeed near.

Heroes of Anti-Racism: The British

The British have a special place in the annals of Anti-Racism.  Britain is special because it had a class war that was also a racial conflict.   The British class war originated in the Norman invasion and this led to the upper classes despising the lower classes as rude Saxons and the lower classes despising the upper classes as vicious Normans.

At the start of the "Cold War", Harry Pollitt, leader of the GB Communist Party told the young generation of Socialists: 'Don't join us. Work hard, get good degrees, join the Establishment and serve our cause from within.'   After 1989 and the fall of the Soviet Union we realised that the real battle was about racism, not class, and became post-Marxist to further Socialism.  Now that the struggle has been won we can proudly tell the true story of the battle against the English racists, we fought from within and prevailed.

Some of those who were to become leading members of the British Labour Party such as Peter Mandelson and Charles Clarke made huge sacrifices, training in Cuba in the 1970s to bring this war against the racist English to fruition.  The Soviet Union employed Union Boss Jack Jones to recruit future anti-racists such as Blair and Brown to the cause.  These were exciting times to be involved in the revolution, everyone was on the move and Marxism was changing into Post-Marxist anti-racism.  The crowning glory of this effort and dedication was the Labour election victory of 1997.

There was little time for our heroes to change Britain.  They knew that the most important revolutionary task was to rub the noses of the English in diversity so began the importation of over half a million people from overseas every year to destroy the grip of the English racists.  As Jack Straw put it, "English Nationalism" was the "greatest threat to Britain".  The English were not just a threat within Britain, they had a cult of individualism and had spread this globally, undermining Socialism everywhere.

When New Labour left power in 2010 the population of London was only 40% "white British".  The capital city had been liberated from the "English", this was possibly the greatest social and political change in British history.  A victory that was celebrated in the 2012 Olympic Games.  Britain is now a place where the people are subject to the State, not to tribal affiliations.  It is now free to merge with Europe and create a new centre for Socialist progress in the world.

Although New Labour were the heroes we must not forget the sheer hatred of the ordinary English for the upper classes. Ironically it was the votes of the ordinary racist English that allowed 13 years of New Labour anti-racism that culminated in the replacement of these English tribalists in London and in many other large, British cities.The future looks bright, Labour is no longer dependent on racist English votes but can call on the international population of Britain to be loyal to Socialism rather than to a race and its country or votes motivated by blind racist hatred of the upper classes.

It is only now that Socialism has won such a significant victory that we can truly appreciate the work done by Blair, Mandelson and the other heroes of New Labour.  Finally the English must realise that their children have no special rights to their land, it is the land of the people, all people, and the children of the English must take their place alongside the rest of humanity.  Finally the English have cast their children into the conditions that might be experienced by children in less fortunate places.  Their difference is abolished.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Heroes of Anti-Racism: Harriet Harman

Harriet Harman. although educated at private school, is probably the most significant figure in the Socialist changes that have occurred in British society over the past 20 years.

She qualified as a lawyer and was able through her knowledge of law to use the vicarious legal responsibility of employers to entirely change society.

Vicarious liability refers to a situation where someone is held responsible for the actions or omissions of another and is an unusual feature of English law.  It was Harman's genius to realize that employers could be held responsible for the actions and attitudes of their employees beyond the requirements of work.  Any behaviour or speech that contradicted anti-racist principles was made into an offence for which employers could be punished.

It would have been difficult to prevent the rude English from saying things like "You Welsh pig!" in ordinary law but employers could be held responsible for such racist behaviour.  This converted the millions of employers across the country into a hidden police force that ensured good standards of behaviour.

The effect of this legislation has been profound.  Employers are now acting like parents, removing anti-social behaviour and speech from the population, ensuring that the English quietly accept political and social change.

Socialist anti-racism is now able to impose a double effect, importing millions of people from overseas to create diversity and then forbidding the English from voicing their racist objections.  Harman was a genius, achieving the necessary conformity of speech and behaviour in the population without the need for any Gulag or, with the establishment of tribunals, even an open court case.

Anyone but Harman would have legislated for offensive behaviour to be tried in court but she had the foresight to see that incorrect speech and attitudes could be corrected by employers without involving the racist English Common Law.  Harman realized that employers would soon all produce codes of practice for employees that caution against any political or social comments.  This was such a seamless process that within 4 years the young English now have automatically accepted the precepts of the world of employment and do not even realize that anything has happened, employers and teachers have educated everyone under the age of 30 to be Internationalist Socialists and victory is assured.  

Perhaps Harman's greatest achievement is to have abolished the discussion of politics in the workplace.  Political progress occurs as a result of small groups operating in private to secure change by re-directing institutions such as the Labour Party.  The public discussion of "politics" will always offend someone and Harman realised that it is only by eradicating offensive "free" speech that racism, sexism and chauvinism can be abolished.  Now racists who propose leaving the EU to prevent migration or other Nationalist ideas are rightly in fear of their jobs.

Harman has changed the whole of British society.  What a revolutionary!

Heroes of Anti-Racism: Derrida and Lyotard

What can we say of such great men?  They saw, as early as the 1970s, that Socialism and the tribe were enemies of each other.  It was their work, using the Post-Modern Revolution to tear down the ideological structures that support Nations, that opened the path to the present day.

These great philosophers changed Marxism from a jaded old argument about class to the Post-Marxist heart of the matter: race. Although the Post Modernists were not clear about race at first, it became obvious, especially in Britain, that the deconstruction of the nation has only one result: anti-racism. Race extends into the family so even the family can be removed with the cry of "racist!" to label its supporters.  Teachers and the media can take up this moral imperative to extinguish the last embers of reactionary thought.

Socialism is about workers in industrial armies toiling together for the State and People but Nations toil for individuals with their own fallacious religions and ideologies.  It is only by removing the racially defined Nations that Socialism can truly grow.

Heroes of anti-racism: The BBC

The BBC was established as Broadcaster to the British Empire.  In its charter it was instructed to behave impartially.  Thus, from the beginning the BBC was internationalist.

However, it is in the past 30 years that the BBC has truly excelled, the editorial staff realised that anti-racism was more important than narrow English issues.   The management of the BBC made support for immigration and support for immigrants a stated policy, for the first time taking the anti-racist position rather than the impartial position.

The BBC, more than any other body in Britain, has striven to show the bigoted and narrow minded nature of English Nationalists, covering the savages in the BNP and EDL as rude and twisted individuals.  The BBC ensured that the BNP and EDL were used to show the nature of English nationalism wherever and whenever possible.  Wherever English people have whinged about foreigners taking their jobs, housing and resources the BBC has faithfully presented the other side of the issue, showing these protesters up as "little Englanders" and providing cuts of EDL marches to show the true position.

Threats to internationalisation such as UKIP have been investigated and discredited publicly wherever possible.  Even the modern plays and documentaries have been chosen to take the anti-racist viewpoint.  The Moghuls were portrayed by Michael Wood as a multicultural paradise and Mary Beard did the same for the Romans, showing that internationalism is anti-racist, global government can be a good thing and that whilst Empires might remove imaginary freedoms they destroy the differences that create conflict.  Overall the BBC has been indispensable for removing the threat of English racism.

Perhaps the greatest aid to the cause of anti-racism provided by the BBC was to adamantly refuse to cover the backgrounds and political ideology of the great figures of New Labour during the 80s and 90s.  Society was not yet ready for true Socialism and reporting the links between New Labour and Communism, Cuba and Internationalist Socialism in general would have undermined the revolution from the outset. It is difficult for modern English people to realize that political opinions that have no effect on political careers today, such as being a Stalinist or a sleeper agent for the USSR, would have been political suicide 30 years ago.

It is sad that those Internationalist Socialists who have guided BBC policy from within will forever feel unable to take the credit for their work.  However, it is comforting to know that this dedicated group will continue to suppress the horrors of English Nationalism and keep the path to Socialism clear.  Even the Conservative Party walk in fear of BBC anti-racism.

It is slightly comical that the racist Daily Mail considers all the positive aspects of the BBC approach, such as the pro-migration policy, to be scandalous! See :

"Former BBC business editor Jeff Randall said he complained to a 'very senior news executive', about the BBC's pro-multicultural stance but was given the reply: 'The BBC is not neutral in multiculturalism: it believes in it and it promotes it.'"

Needless to say Mr Randall, with such racist views, was unsuitable as an editor and was encouraged to leave the BBC.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Why anti-racism will change Britain

Britain has always declared itself to be the home of the individual but this is ending. Why is the cult of the individual doomed?  It is doomed by the internationalization of the European Union, it is doomed because England has people from overseas in vast numbers who will see no special place for the "English" and doomed because eventually anti-racism will end the class war.  At last the poisonous individualism of the English, placing themselves above others, will be ended.

Britain now has a consensus on internationalism, the Labour Party, the Lib-Dems and the Conservatives all believe in relinquishing sovereignty to Europe and allowing the free movement of labour and ownership in a united Europe.  The BBC has shown that internationalism is the centre ground and the parties have flocked to occupy it. All parties now believe in the steady expansion of European union, over centuries, to encompass the world.  There is no God and so no God given right for the English to pass on "their" country to their children.  The free movement of labour will make this obvious.  All the major parties want to finally stop this crazy inheritance of countries by their populations by sharing England with others.

All parties have finally realised that English institutions such as trial by jury, which embodies a race memory should be abolished and replaced by sensible regulation, that the English village with its cricket green is just a metaphor for classism, that the English landscape is like the pyramids of Egypt, an antiquated monument to the past used as a pretext to deny housing to the people.  All of these will be swept aside by the tide of change.

As Europe becomes united and national differences are erased it will be obvious that inheritance is racism, favouring the family above the people.  Laws will remove the right of children to inherit what their parents stole.

The individual "liberties" such as "free" speech, private wealth and "free" association all underpin the cult of the individual and are inherently racist, putting the self above the other.  "Free" speech is nothing more than the right to offend others, whether a person proposes welfare cuts or trade agreements a group will always be offended and so expose the racism.  This racist ideology contains the seeds of its own destruction as anti-racists use it to free the people.

The battle is between society and individuals.  Individuals seize the land and hoard their wealth whereas people in large groups, who have no wealth, desire the wealth and land to be shared.

Those who seize and hoard believe that others must be less than them because otherwise they would share, as they share with their children.  Those who believe in the cult of the individual are racists by nature.  They want to save their land and wealth to pass it on to their children and keep it from the people at large.  This attitude extends from home to town to nation. It is only through Internationalist Socialism that this cycle can be broken.